Atlantic Avenue  ( Change Locations )

Class Schedules at Atlantic Avenue

38 Results
A strength training program that prioritizes barbell work while incorporating metabolic conditioning. This session emphasizes leg power and pulling movements through progressive loading, integrating cardio elements for a complete training stimulus.
Signature Group TrainingSeniors (55+)Adults (18+)Youth (12 - 18 years)All
Pace; Fast. A breath centered Vinyasa Flow class takes you through a series of yoga poses and opportunities to celebrate yourself through the empowerment and freedom of movement. Sequences are designed to get you moving, then set you free. This energizing class promotes physical strength, mobility and mental clarity, drawing on your breath as your inner source of focus.
YogaAdults (18+)Youth (12 - 18 years)All
Alternate between treadmill intervals and strength work focusing on lower body and pulling movements. This balanced workout builds endurance and power through cardio and strength combinations. A great workout for all athletes with scalable options.
Signature Group TrainingSeniors (55+)Adults (18+)Youth (12 - 18 years)All
FIGHT is a class focused on building strength, agility, and confidence through the art of boxing. This high energy workout combines authentic boxing techniques with cardiovascular training, ensuring a full-body sweat session.
Signature Group TrainingAdults (18+)All
This workshop is designed to help individuals improve their squat technique, enhance their mobility, and prevent injuries while performing the exercise. We will go over movement prep and activation drills so you can drop it like it's hot!
CardioStrengthClassesAdults (18+)Youth (12 - 18 years)All
A strength training program that prioritizes barbell work while incorporating metabolic conditioning. This session emphasizes leg power and pulling movements through progressive loading, integrating cardio elements for a complete training stimulus.
Signature Group TrainingSeniors (55+)Adults (18+)Youth (12 - 18 years)All
Pace; Medium. Unlock your mind and body in this fully guided Vinyasa experience. As you synchronize your breath to your movements of yoga poses, your teacher will provide physical cues, guidance and variations. These movements help untie the knots of the body, especially in the bigger muscles of the thighs, glutes and back; that can block the flow of energy. SOL is a perfect blend of Vinyasa and standing postures.
YogaAdults (18+)Youth (12 - 18 years)All
A total-body athletic training session that challenges your energy systems, muscular strength and endurance. Using heart rate zones and interval training, this session emphasizes leg and pulling movements through functional strength work and challenging circuits.
Signature Group TrainingSeniors (55+)Adults (18+)Youth (12 - 18 years)All
Get ready for a workout filled with heart-pounding combinations that blend traditional kickboxing moves with high energy athletic cardio drills. Expect to punch, kick, jab, cross and hook to high-energy music. Leave class feeling unstoppable after mastering the kickboxing combinations.
Boxing & KickboxingAdults (18+)Youth (12 - 18 years)Intermediate
Get all your barre fitness needs in one class. Expect a fusion of cardio, strength, balance, and mobility choreography on or off the barre. This all-in-one, full body, barre experience helps you better connect to your body with mindful and purposeful movement. Every class will feature a variety of props to amplify the muscle burn.
BarreAdults (18+)Youth (12 - 18 years)All
These sessions are designed to link the 7 movement patterns to yoga asana & reinfroce the benefits of building strength as a means to deepen one's yoga practice.
CardioStrengthClassesAdults (18+)Youth (12 - 18 years)All
These sessions are designed to teach you new techniques and skills that help you work out smarter, not harder. Best of all, they are included with your membership.
CardioStrengthClassesAdults (18+)Youth (12 - 18 years)All
These sessions are designed to link the 7 movement patterns to yoga asana & reinfroce the benefits of building strength as a means to deepen one's yoga practice.
CardioStrengthClassesAdults (18+)Youth (12 - 18 years)All
Upper. Lower. Core. Cardio - Get it all in SHRED. This effective circuit-style workout made up of one-minute exercise sets that target all your major muscles. While the focus is strength, you’ll rev up your heart rate with one-minute athletic cardio drills after completing the muscle-burning strength sets. This class is for everyone, whether you are beginner or experienced athlete, SHRED offers scalability to meet your needs.
StrengthAdults (18+)Youth (12 - 18 years)All
Pace; Medium. Unlock your mind and body in this fully guided Vinyasa experience. As you synchronize your breath to your movements of yoga poses, your teacher will provide physical cues, guidance and variations. These movements help untie the knots of the body, especially in the bigger muscles of the thighs, glutes and back; that can block the flow of energy. SOL is a perfect blend of Vinyasa and standing postures.
YogaAdults (18+)Youth (12 - 18 years)All
A total-body athletic training session that challenges your energy systems, muscular strength and endurance. Using heart rate zones and interval training, this session emphasizes leg and pulling movements through functional strength work and challenging circuits.
Signature Group TrainingSeniors (55+)Adults (18+)Youth (12 - 18 years)All
Utilize and strengthen your powerhouse: your deep abdominal muscles, obliques and lower back. This class combines the movements of Pilates with traditional fitness elements.
PilatesSeniors (55+)Adults (18+)Youth (12 - 18 years)Intermediate
Alternate between treadmill intervals and strength work focusing on lower body and pulling movements. This balanced workout builds endurance and power through cardio and strength combinations. A great workout for all athletes with scalable options.
Signature Group TrainingSeniors (55+)Adults (18+)Youth (12 - 18 years)All
FIGHT is a class focused on building strength, agility, and confidence through the art of boxing. This high energy workout combines authentic boxing techniques with cardiovascular training, ensuring a full-body sweat session.
Signature Group TrainingAdults (18+)All
This workshop focused on improving participants' deadlift technique, increasing strength, and preventing injuries and performing deadlifts more effectively. We will go over movement prep and activation drills so you can pick things up and put them down. Improve your technique, get stronger in your lift and gain confidence in your deadlift with this workshop.
CardioStrengthClassesAdults (18+)Youth (12 - 18 years)All
Is working long hours comprosmising your posture? Or did that lift really wreck your lower back? See our professional Stretch and Corrective Exercise Specialist set you on the right path to make you feeling brand new!
CardioStrengthClassesAdults (18+)Youth (12 - 18 years)All
It’s the perfect blend of yin and yang. Come and experience a fierce and inspiring workout that blends foundational yoga flows with HIIT drills and sculpting in a heated room. This fusion experience is brought to life by an epic soundtrack that takes you on a journey to connect your mind and body. Expect a challenging full-body workout that feels good and makes you stronger mentally and physically.
YogaAdults (18+)Youth (12 - 18 years)All
A total-body athletic training session that challenges your energy systems, muscular strength and endurance. Using heart rate zones and interval training, this session emphasizes leg and pulling movements through functional strength work and challenging circuits.
Signature Group TrainingSeniors (55+)Adults (18+)Youth (12 - 18 years)All
Ultra Fit combines speed interval training on the treadmill with balance and stability movements to promote optimal health and boost your metabolism. Expect to get FASTER and build core strength and stability using unstable surfaces. Build to your maximum sprinting power while incorporating full-body strength and coordination. You will spend time in zones 2–5, building to your max sprint effort by the end of the hour.
Signature Group TrainingAdults (18+)Youth (12 - 18 years)
Is working long hours comprosmising your posture? Or did that lift really wreck your lower back? See our professional Stretch and Corrective Exercise Specialist set you on the right path to make you feeling brand new!
CardioStrengthClassesAdults (18+)Youth (12 - 18 years)All
Get ready to slay leg day and build powerful lower body muscles. You’ll lift heavy and push limits while conquering intense squats, lunges, deadlifts and more. All movements are focused on building strength and endurance from in your glutes, quads, hamstrings and calves. Plus, the high-energy lower body MAXOUT challenge in every class gives you the boost you need to build your aerobic capacity. So grab some weights, it’s time to squat!
StrengthAdults (18+)Youth (12 - 18 years)Intermediate
Get all your barre fitness needs in one class. Expect a fusion of cardio, strength, balance, and mobility choreography on or off the barre. This all-in-one, full body, barre experience helps you better connect to your body with mindful and purposeful movement. Every class will feature a variety of props to amplify the muscle burn.
BarreAdults (18+)Youth (12 - 18 years)All
Pace; Medium. Unlock your mind and body in this fully guided Vinyasa experience. As you synchronize your breath to your movements of yoga poses, your teacher will provide physical cues, guidance and variations. These movements help untie the knots of the body, especially in the bigger muscles of the thighs, glutes and back; that can block the flow of energy. SOL is a perfect blend of Vinyasa and standing postures.
YogaAdults (18+)Youth (12 - 18 years)All
Is working long hours comprosmising your posture? Or did that lift really wreck your lower back? See our professional Stretch and Corrective Exercise Specialist set you on the right path to make you feeling brand new!
CardioStrengthClassesAdults (18+)Youth (12 - 18 years)All
A strength training program that prioritizes barbell work while incorporating metabolic conditioning. This session emphasizes leg power and pulling movements through progressive loading, integrating cardio elements for a complete training stimulus.
Signature Group TrainingSeniors (55+)Adults (18+)Youth (12 - 18 years)All
FIGHT is a class focused on building strength, agility, and confidence through the art of boxing. This high energy workout combines authentic boxing techniques with cardiovascular training, ensuring a full-body sweat session.
Signature Group TrainingAdults (18+)All
Ride to the rhythm and lift to the beat in this epic cardio party on the bike. AMP Sculpt combines a high-cardio choreographed ride with muscle sculpting sections on or off the bike, using light to moderate weights. Let loose and have fun, sweat as you move and lift to the beat. Even if you have two left feet, indoor cycling has never been more fun – let your endorphins run wild! To fit the dance-club vibe, we’ll darken the room and may use strobes and flashing lights; consult your doctor if you have a photosensitivity disorder or are prone to seizures.
CardioCycleAdults (18+)Youth (12 - 18 years)All
Alternate between treadmill intervals and strength work focusing on lower body and pulling movements. This balanced workout builds endurance and power through cardio and strength combinations. A great workout for all athletes with scalable options.
Signature Group TrainingSeniors (55+)Adults (18+)Youth (12 - 18 years)All
Utilize and strengthen your powerhouse: your deep abdominal muscles, obliques and lower back. This class combines the movements of Pilates with traditional fitness elements.
PilatesSeniors (55+)Adults (18+)Youth (12 - 18 years)Intermediate
Pace; Fast. A breath centered Vinyasa Flow class takes you through a series of yoga poses and opportunities to celebrate yourself through the empowerment and freedom of movement. Sequences are designed to get you moving, then set you free. This energizing class promotes physical strength, mobility and mental clarity, drawing on your breath as your inner source of focus.
YogaAdults (18+)Youth (12 - 18 years)All
Feel the hypnotic rhythm of Latin and international music. You'll enjoy this muscle-pumping, calorie-burning blast as you lose yourself in the music and find yourself in shape.
CardioDanceSeniors (55+)Adults (18+)Youth (12 - 18 years)Intermediate
Ride to the rhythm in this epic cardio party on the bike. AMP features the hottest music and easy-to-follow cycle choreography so you can sweat and move together. This calorie-burning cardio class is designed for all riders, no matter your experience. Let loose and have fun as you sweat and move to the beat. To fit the dance-club vibe, we’ll darken the room and may use strobes and flashing lights; consult your doctor if you have a photosensitivity disorder or are prone to seizures.
CycleAdults (18+)Youth (12 - 18 years)All
A strength training program that prioritizes barbell work while incorporating metabolic conditioning. This session emphasizes leg power and pulling movements through progressive loading, integrating cardio elements for a complete training stimulus.
Signature Group TrainingSeniors (55+)Adults (18+)Youth (12 - 18 years)All

Classes and times are subject to change.

Membership levels, types, amenities, services, programs and their associated dues, pricing, fees and/or charges may vary by location and are subject to change. Access to clubs, and certain services, programs, amenities, or areas within a club (e.g., outdoor pools, racquet courts) may be restricted, conditioned, or otherwise limited by specific terms and conditions and/or subject to a separate or supplemental fee for access or use (e.g., your access to the outdoor pool area may require a separate fee and be limited to your designated club). Actual spaces may appear different depending on club. Member cancellation terms, including rights required by state law, may be found in Life Time's Guest & Club Policies and membership agreements. Always consult your physician before beginning any new exercise program.